Rigorous adherence to industry-leading sterilization protocols for all dental instruments.
Regular monitoring and validation of sterilization equipment to ensure effectiveness.
Single-Use Items
Implementation of single-use, disposable items whenever possible to eliminate cross-contamination risks.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Strict utilization of personal protective equipment, including masks, gloves, and eyewear, for both staff and patients.
Surface Disinfection
Thorough and frequent disinfection of all surfaces in treatment rooms and common areas with medical-grade disinfectants.
Hand Hygiene
Ongoing emphasis on proper hand hygiene protocols for all staff members.
Patient Screening
Comprehensive pre-screening of patients for infectious symptoms before appointments.
Staff Training
Continuous training and education of staff on the latest infection control guidelines and best practices.
Compliance with Regulatory Standards
Strict adherence to local and international infection control regulations, ensuring the highest standards of safety.
At Smilemakers, we prioritise your health and safety with an unwavering commitment to maintaining an environment of impeccable infection control standards.